
Guy Giroux's Montreal SX Report

Totally unedited (though I really, really want to!) and raw from the Top Pimp 801 himself: G-Rox!

Well pressure is finally off, the Montreal freak show is over...

September has been a crazy month, 2 CEC, 1 FMSQ, plus the Sx and the dealer meeting.

Let's recap the week, Monday was spend washing and fixing the last fmsq race bikes, Tuesday i went to Montreal to pick up the new 2011 Husky at the airport, what was supposed to be a 2 hrs job actually took 8 hrs because customs paper were wrong, since the bike were flown from Italy straight... Anyway i got the bike and it took us most of the night to put those four bikes together. On Wednesday i tried to load the trailer with all the stuff for the race, the dealer meeting, Bartosz and Ryan bikes! On Thursday i woke up at 4am to drive to Mtl for the tv morning show, then i drove to the hotel to pick Bartosz and Ryan and drive them to X-Town. Once There the rain just never stopped, it was pourring all day, we set up the tents to let the dealers come and try the 2011 in the indoor track, Bart mechanic spend all day putting the 300 to factory specs (man those real factory dudes are picky on their set up...) Around 5pm me, Karine and Bart were finally on the track having fun, i was actually riding super good only 1-2 seconds off Bart's time! Then we took everything down and loaded the trailer direction Montreal Stadium, got there at around 11pm, grabbed some junk food by the side of the street just before the parking gate, Then shit started, the union dude there had the brilliant idea to park us on the hill behind the stadium, in wet slippery grass, when i started slipping down i shut everything off and went to sleep in my off camber bed.... When i woke up on friday it was a new guy working and he showed me a nice parking spot, which i took with no regrets... Then it was meetings till 1pm, At 3 i was on the track riding practice, while everyone was going for fast lap, i just rode around trying to find alternate line everywhere. I had a real shitty time of 1:08, but i knew all the lines....

Saturday morning i still had some meeting, but came back earlier, to get everything done. Then for practice my plan was clear, ride first lap slow then attack for a fast lap, i got a 1:01, took a little break and got a 59:6, all this riding really smooth. In the second practice i got 1:00 but all my time were so consistent and i wasn't making any mistake, i was feeling really confident.

In the Qualifier , i lined up right beside Brown, i knew he was gonna get the holeshot,and he would probably push people out and that would give me room.... And that is exactly what happened !!! i was there in second with nobody in front of me going to the tires, But they had changed the track by removing dirt in front of the tires.... so when i attacked like in practice the effect wasn't the same... My chance of leading transformed into a front flip when my back tire kicked, i was quick enough to eject in time to land pretty smooth , my Rekluse saved my butt and i was quick back in fourth! were i rode super smooth till the end, i could even see Bartosz in front of me, when i rode over the finish i knew i could do the same in the main!

Then in the main, once again i lined up left of Brown, but this time my brain was probably thinking about something else, cause my reaction was awfull, and i was stuck in the back , i didn't panic cause i knew i could make a good comeback ride, i rode the first lap in 9th and began my comeback, i was riding super smooth maybe too smooth..., but i got back to 5th and i could see Julian in front of me! Then my luck turn south, did one mini mistake on the rock uphill, and Phil passed me, as i was setting up to pass him in the tires he crased in front of me , and i lost momentum and got stuck.........then on the last lap same thing with another lapper.......... so i got a 10th, which completely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm still pissed about it, and will probably be for a while.........

I still don't understand why they change the track after practice??? would they change a tripple without telling everyone?? or having the guy's try it?? And why is there Junior's on the track in an international event???????????????????????????????????????????????? Isn't that supposed to be a PRO race?????????


So after the race i tried to calm down but there was still lot of stuff to do, we were finally able to go out around 1:30 and we had a blast!!! and my GF is hot when so goes out... ;) after they kicked us out , the poutine was greasy and good...

Then we got back to the truck, and like last year i sat down and looked at that stupid concrete stadium.... that once again had bitten me!!! i guess that's racing , thinking back at it maybe i should have ridden different, take a different line!!!!!!!!!! But it's too late , will i have another shot at it... i guess time will tell

Next week end is The last FMSQ.... then it's freeriding till the snow... i'm overdue for some fun riding!!!!!!!!

over and out


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