
I'm Back

Hello Readers;

It's been a while since I've posted anything; my last post I believe was back in October. A well received article about podium speeches, if I remember correctly. Well, I'm sorry for the long hiatus. But I'm back, at least intermittenly.

The season is getting ready to kick off. Toronto Supercross is just around the corner, and for those of us in Ontario we all know that's the signal that it's time to dust off the bikes, run the gear through the laundry and get some fresh rubber on the rims. It is an exciting time of year, and 2011 is looking like it will shape up to be one heck of a season.

It got me thinking: We're pretty lucky here in Canada as far as off roading goes. We've got the 12 Hours of LaToque in Quebec, Corner Grass and Xtinction in Alberta, the Corduroy here in Ontario, various well organized and located regional series, a budding national series that will be in its third year in 2011, and continually growing. So what if the EnduroX at Montreal was cancelled for this year? Our talented riders have plenty of venues where they are the main event, not the half time show.

I am incredibly proud of all of the riders who took on the challenge at Montreal, and I am thankful to the organizers for giving off road the chance, but they are right: Olympic Stadium is just not the right venue for an EnduroX event. In 2011, we have so many chances to show off our skills, to be the stars of the show, I don't think any of those who participated the last two years should be sad. You accomplished a once (or twice) in a life time task and rode in front of thousands.

But, enough of my ranting...

So I am back, and I've planned out a few posts for March and April I think might interest my readers. March will be focussed on image. What kind of image do you present to those around you at the races? How important is it to present a positive social media profile? Can things like facebook and myspace (and even personal blogs, like mine) hurt your chances of getting sponsorships?

I will hopefully have posts up Monday/Tuesday mornings.

In the mean time, feel free to checkout my smugmug page, I've been busy uploading old photos from 2010, but also 2008 and 2009 as well. There's moto and off road, even a few old school style enduro pictures up there. Check it out.

Also, check back regularly for easter eggs. Posters, backgrounds and other downloadable freebies will be showing up from time to time.

- S